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Here’s Seven Things That You Need To Know About Pre-Workouts

Here’s Seven Things That You Need To Know About Pre-Workouts

1. Why: a pre-workout will enable you to get the most of your work-out, to smash it first thing in the morning or even after a long day’s work.   2. Caffeine: an essential ingredient of any good pre workout will helps improve concentration and focus; both hugely beneficial before getting stuck into a big workout.   3. When: the clue here is in the name – a pre-workout is best taken 15- 30 minutes before a workout to help you maximise that session.   4. How: Pre-workouts are commonly available in both powder and liquid format 5. Creatine: Pre workout supplements typically contain a number of ingredients including creatine. Creatine is an amino acid which can increase your body’s physical performance during successive bursts of short term, high intensity exercise.   6.BCAAs: Another common ingredient of pre workout supplements is BCAAs. These amino acids are literally the building blocks of all biological proteins. Every protein you consume in your diet or through supplements is broken down in the body into amino acids in order to grow fuel and repair your muscle . The Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) leucine, isoleucine and valine, are all essential amino acids, meaning that they must be consumed through the diet or supplements as the body can't produce them   7. Energy: A good pre-workout will support energy, this might come in the form of vitamins such as vitamins B or C.*** BSN's pre-workout N.O. XPLODE XE contains 200 mg of caffeine along with the herbal extracts Euphoria longana, Lindera aggregata and Rhodiola rosea, which have long been used in traditional Chinese medicine.   As well as containing 200 mg of caffeine & a range of B Vitamins to support focus and energy, , N.O. XPLODE XE contains 1.6 g of Beta-Alanine, a 1 g Citrulline blend, along with Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 to support energy.   B-vitamins are crucial in helping your body metabolise energy from food and allowing your body get the most from your diet. Getting your pre-workout in 15-30 minutes before you hit the gym will mean you are ready and primed to start your workout well and will help your PUSH yourself closer to those goals.   *Creatine increases physical performance in successive bursts of short-term, high intensity exercise. **Caffeine contributes to increased alertness and increased concentration. *** Vitamins C, B1, B6, B12 and magnesium contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism.